Johnny Goggles

SINCE 1983

Regular eye examination and contact lens assessments are essential for maintaining the best possible vision and eye health. Our award-winning team of Optometrist at Johnny Goggles has access to the latest advanced diagnostic technology, and we are firm believers that comprehensive eyecare should be affordable and accessible to everybody. 
All Johnny Goggles patients can now benefit from a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation performed by an Optometrist. A real eye examination is a fluid process that is tailored to the needs of the particular patient. It is neither realistic nor required to perform every available diagnostic test on every individual. To ensure good ocular function, we believe in a core set of diagnostic tests. As needed, additional testing can be performed.

The following will be covered in your examination:

  • Detailed history of your medical history and symptoms.
  • Refraction, which is the process of calculating your prescription.
  • External examination of your eyes.
  • Ultra-wide field retinal imaging and OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography)  with our cutting-edge technology Optos Monaco.
  • Visual Field Testing.
  • Nutritional recommendations for healthy eyes and tears
The scans enable for comparative diagnosis across time. If there is a change in your eye health, we can assess whether medical intervention is needed or if regular monitoring by our optometrists is sufficient. We will make certain that you receive a thorough explanation of your eye health and that you understand what we can do to assist you in achieving the optimum ocular and visual comfort.


If you need new glasses due to a prescription change or simply want to buy the newest catwalk-ready eyewear, our fully qualified and experienced dispensing team will guide you in selecting the best eyewear with the perfect lens options.

You will be given lens options and your measurements will be taken using our state of the art technology, Zeiss Visufit. Our specialists will then assist you in selecting glasses that are appropriate with your prescription and lifestyle and that you will enjoy wearing. 

Comprehensive Eye Tests in Liverpool: Your Vision Matters

Welcome to our eye test service in Liverpool, where we prioritise the health and clarity of your vision. As the owner, I am dedicated to providing a thorough and personalised eye examination experience. Johnny Goggles understands that clear vision is essential for a vibrant life, and our expert team is committed to delivering exceptional care.
Our comprehensive eye tests go beyond routine check-ups. We use advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to assess your vision health accurately. Whether you're due for a routine examination, experiencing discomfort, or noticing changes in your vision, our Liverpool-based service is here for you. We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming environment, ensuring that every patient receives individualised attention and care. Trust us to safeguard your eye health and provide precise insights into your vision needs. Schedule an appointment with us today and take a proactive step towards maintaining the clarity and well-being of your eyes